Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Sorry Mr Marbella, but at 16 that girl you had a 'fling' with was a child - New Articles, Frontpage -
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Sorry Mr Marbella, but at 16 that girl you had a 'fling' with was a child - New Articles, Frontpage - : "THERE'S ...
Sorry Mr Marbella, but at 16 that girl you had a 'fling' with was a child - New Articles, Frontpage - "THERE'S something spectacularly understated about ancient DJ Maurice Boland's admission that he made 'an error of judgment.'
The error of judgment being a disgusting affair with a schooolgirl young enough to be his granddaughter.
One suspects that elderly self-styled 'Mr Marbella' didn't use his brain at all when he decided to have a fling with a mere 16-year-old, instead allowing another organ to do the thinking.
This is the man, I'd guess in his 60s, who has become our 'unofficial ambassador' in Spain, thanks to his show on expat station Talk Radio Europe. He has also held himself up as a paragon of virtue thanks to his 40-year marriage.
We Irish like to take pride in our finest exports, but after these sordid shenanigans Maurice Boland is a name we'd all rather forget.
Because the legal age of consent in Spain is 16, Mr Marbella clearly reckons his 'error of judgment' isn't all that bad. I beg to differ.
For a start, if this incident had occurred in Ireland he would stand accused of statutory rape.
And yet, more importantly, we should consider the circumstances that led a 16-year-old into the arms of an ageing DJ."


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