Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: embargoing of one of the Ándalus airplanes
Author: Fraser Trevor
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judge in Málaga has ordered the embargoing of one of the Ándalus airplanes because of the debts faced by the company.Last week the company a...
judge in Málaga has ordered the embargoing of one of the Ándalus airplanes because of the debts faced by the company.Last week the company announced they would be suspending their services from Gibraltar to Madrid, and plans to run to Barcelona and Bilbao, but it is now also known that one of their planes was impounded in Almería last Wednesday.It follows a demand from the Gecas company, who are the owners of most of the fleet rented by Ándalus. The company says that its current flights are continuing as normal, and the Spanish air safety agency AESA says they are watching developments closely but for now ‘safety is guaranteed’.
El País reports that Ándalus are in advanced talks with a new business partner ‘to resolve the problems’.


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