Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: British drug dealers named Green, Adams, Douglas and Murray as the bosses controlling the traffic with their dealers travelling to the island to put the drugs on the market.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Green, Adams, Douglas and Murray as the bosses controlling the traffic with their dealers travelling to the island to put the drugs on the m...
Green, Adams, Douglas and Murray as the bosses controlling the traffic with their dealers travelling to the island to put the drugs on the market.

Last September the Guardia Civil broke up a network and arrested 25 Britons and impounded 23,000 pills, and two operations in June last year saw the recovery of more than 47,000 pills also in the hands of British traffickers.

18.7 million tourists have visited Ibiza since 2000, 75% of them foreigners, 34% British, and most of them clubbers.

A study from the John Moore University in Liverpool with the European Institute of Studies on Drug Prevention concluded that 44% of the British tourists aged 16-35 to have visited Ibiza had taken ecstasy on the island, 80% of them at least twice a week.

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