Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: "Gangster" concerns the true story of Princess Margaret's affair with the gangster-turned-movie-tough-guy John Bindon in the late '60s.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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The story of John Bindon, a Londoner who fell into crime as a teenager, serving time in Borstal for possessing ammunition. On his release, h...
The story of John Bindon, a Londoner who fell into crime as a teenager, serving time in Borstal for possessing ammunition. On his release, he was spotted by Ken Loach, and cast in “Poor Cow,” starting a career of tough guy roles that would take in the likes of “Performance,” “Quadrophenia” and “Get Carter.” Bindon was linked romantically to the likes of Christine Keeler and Angela Barnett (who later married David Bowie), as well as, most notably, Princess Margaret (the late younger sister of the current Queen), although the latter denied that any relationship took place.” He went on to briefly run security for Bowie and for Led Zeppelin, but never lost touch with his criminal roots, and was tried for murder after a fight with gangster John Darke, although he was later acquitted, partly due to the appearance of Bob Hoskins as a character witness.

Patrick Milling Smith, one of Smuggler's three principals, said that Mellis' dossier -- which includes such tough-talking crime tales as "Sexy Beast" and the current "44 Inch Chest" -- made him the perfect match for the material."We needed someone who could give us an authentic voice, because Bindon, who could break your legs but who was also a mini-celebrity, was a force of nature. He was a real raconteur and full-on entertainer. There aren't many people who can inhabit characters like that and make then amusing, but Louis definitely can."Smuggler -- which was formed last year by producer John Hart, formerly of Hart-Sharp, and Milling Smith and Brian Carmody, video and commercial producers under their Smuggler Partners banner -- plans to finance "Gangster" through a new media fund it has assembled. Smuggler is also developing a screen adaptation of Aravind Adiga's novel "The White Tiger."


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