Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Travel chaos threat as September strikes called at Spanish airports - The Local
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Travel chaos threat as September strikes called at Spanish airports - The Local: "The airlines expected to be worse affected will be Ea...
Travel chaos threat as September strikes called at Spanish airports - The Local: "The airlines expected to be worse affected will be EasyJet and Vueling in the stoppages which are due to start next Friday.
Three Spanish unions representing the workers have called a series of strikes over four days in September.  The stoppages will take place on the 4th 11th 18th and 25th, from 4.30am to 7.30am and 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
Menzies Aviation Iberica have been blamed for delaying the negotiation process with the unions, who will also hold strikes in Barcelona, Alicante, Malaga and Mallorca.
Earlier this summer travellers were hit by air traffic controllers' strikes, although the minimum services required by law ensured minimum disruption.
Twenty-four hour train strikes, announced in early August, are also set to start next Friday after a similar lack of progress in negotiations between workers and national rail operators Renfe."

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