Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Spain paid lower rates to raise €2.9 billion in a sale of three-month and six-month bonds today.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Spain paid lower rates to raise €2.9 billion in a sale of three-month and six-month bonds today, the country's central bank said. The tr...

Spain paid lower rates to raise €2.9 billion in a sale of three-month and six-month bonds today, the country's central bank said.
The treasury raised €805m in three-month bills at an average interest rate of 1.357%, down sharply from the 1.899% paid at a similar auction on July 26, the Bank of Spain said. It raised €2.136 billion in six-month bills, paying an interest rate of 2.187% compared to 2.519% last month.
Demand was three times the amount sold today for the six-month bills and eight times the amount sold for the three-month bills.
The sale confirmed an easing of rates, helped by the intervention of the European Central Bank in the bond markets from August 8 as the euro zone debt crisis threatened to engulf Spain and Italy.



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