Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Christopher ‘Christy’ Kinahan, who was arrested as part of a large police operation on Tuesday last week, has been remanded to custody and denied bail
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Christopher ‘Christy’ Kinahan, who was arrested as part of a large police operation on Tuesday last week, has been remanded to custody ...
Christopher ‘Christy’ Kinahan, who was arrested as part of a large police operation on Tuesday last week, has been remanded to custody and denied bail
Christopher ‘Christy’ Kinahan, who was arrested as part of a large police operation on Tuesday last week, has been remanded to custody and denied bail

Christopher ‘Christy’ Kinahan, who was arrested as part of a large police operation on Tuesday last week, has been remanded to custody and denied bail in the First Instance and Instruction Court Thre…

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31 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Kingpin Kinahan's 'right-hand man' is released on bail - Europe, World News -
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Kingpin Kinahan's 'right-hand man' is released on bail - Europe, World News - : "John Cunningham (58), Kinah...
Kingpin Kinahan's 'right-hand man' is released on bail - Europe, World News -
Kingpin Kinahan's 'right-hand man' is released on bail - Europe, World News -

Kingpin Kinahan's 'right-hand man' is released on bail - Europe, World News - "John Cunningham (58), Kinahan's reputed right-hand man, was expected to be sent to jail with a string of …

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31 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Irish gangster held after international police sting | World news |
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Irish gangster held after international police sting World news : "Christy Kinahan, arrested in Spain early yesterday, u...
Irish gangster held after international police sting | World news |
Irish gangster held after international police sting | World news |

Irish gangster held after international police sting World news "Christy Kinahan, arrested in Spain early yesterday, used UK horseracing meetings to launder and distribute 'dirty money…

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26 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Man loses leg in traffic accident | Costa del Sol | News | The Largest Free English Language Newspapers in Spain
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Euro Weekly News Man loses leg in traffic accident Costa del Sol News The Largest Free English Language Newspapers in Spain : "39-YEAR-...
Man loses leg in traffic accident | Costa del Sol | News | The Largest Free English Language Newspapers in Spain
Man loses leg in traffic accident | Costa del Sol | News | The Largest Free English Language Newspapers in Spain

Euro Weekly News Man loses leg in traffic accident Costa del Sol News The Largest Free English Language Newspapers in Spain: "39-YEAR-OLD motorcyclist has lost his leg after being run over by a car dr…

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26 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Irish Mafia on the Costa del Sol dismantled in operation “Shovel” |
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
:Europol alleges the fallen crime group is linked to more than twenty crimes committed in different countries, including several on the Cost...
Irish Mafia on the Costa del Sol dismantled in operation “Shovel” |
Irish Mafia on the Costa del Sol dismantled in operation “Shovel” |

:Europol alleges the fallen crime group is linked to more than twenty crimes committed in different countries, including several on the Costa del Sol. The death of D. Patrick, aged 28, an Irish citize…

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26 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Jaime Martínez-Bordíu has been linked to a haul of six kilos of the drug
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
One of Francisco Franco’s grandsons, Jaime Martínez-Bordiú, has been indicted to declare in a court case in the Instruction Court 2 in Reque...
Jaime Martínez-Bordíu has been linked to a haul of six kilos of the drug
Jaime Martínez-Bordíu has been linked to a haul of six kilos of the drug

One of Francisco Franco’s grandsons, Jaime Martínez-Bordiú, has been indicted to declare in a court case in the Instruction Court 2 in Requena, Valencia in connection with the police seizure of six ki…

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26 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Reports: Former Spanish dictator's grandson is suspect in cocaine case - Winnipeg Free Press
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Reports: Former Spanish dictator's grandson is suspect in cocaine case - Winnipeg Free Press : "Media reports say a grandson of for...
Reports: Former Spanish dictator's grandson is suspect in cocaine case - Winnipeg Free Press
Reports: Former Spanish dictator's grandson is suspect in cocaine case - Winnipeg Free Press

Reports: Former Spanish dictator's grandson is suspect in cocaine case - Winnipeg Free Press: "Media reports say a grandson of former Spanish dictator Francisco Franco has been called to testify in co…

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25 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Suspected Irish crime boss arrested - UK & Ireland, Breaking News -
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Suspected Irish crime boss arrested - UK & Ireland, Breaking News - : "Christy Kinahan, dubbed the 'Iris...
Suspected Irish crime boss arrested - UK & Ireland, Breaking News -
Suspected Irish crime boss arrested - UK & Ireland, Breaking News -

Suspected Irish crime boss arrested - UK & Ireland, Breaking News - "Christy Kinahan, dubbed the 'Irish Godfather', was held with his two sons when dozens of armed police desce…

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25 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Massive arrests of British and Irish gangsters on the Costa del Sol | LISTAndalucia
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Massive arrests of British and Irish gangsters on the Costa del Sol LISTAndalucia : "Police forces travelled from Madrid this morning t...
Massive arrests of British and Irish gangsters on the Costa del Sol | LISTAndalucia
Massive arrests of British and Irish gangsters on the Costa del Sol | LISTAndalucia

Massive arrests of British and Irish gangsters on the Costa del Sol LISTAndalucia: "Police forces travelled from Madrid this morning to assist the Special Drugs and Organized Crime Unit of the Costa d…

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25 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: arrested a 40 year old British man last Tuesday.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
National Police from Tortosa, Tarragona, arrested a 40 year old British man last Tuesday. The man, named with the initials W.L.U. was detain...
arrested a 40 year old British man last Tuesday.
arrested a 40 year old British man last Tuesday.

National Police from Tortosa, Tarragona, arrested a 40 year old British man last Tuesday. The man, named with the initials W.L.U. was detained on a search and capture order issued this month after he …

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22 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Five Albanians arrested for robbery in Torrevieja
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Five Albanians arrested for robbery in Torrevieja : "Civil Guard has arrested five Albanians in connection with greater than 20 robberi...
Five Albanians arrested for robbery in Torrevieja
Five Albanians arrested for robbery in Torrevieja

Five Albanians arrested for robbery in Torrevieja: "Civil Guard has arrested five Albanians in connection with greater than 20 robberies dedicated against warehouses, commercial addresses and occupied…

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19 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Hotel Byblos in Mijas Costa
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Alan Michael Sugar, was awarded the talasoterapia zone and tennis courts of the hotel at auction for three million €, but the auction of the...
Hotel Byblos in Mijas Costa
Hotel Byblos in Mijas Costa

Alan Michael Sugar, was awarded the talasoterapia zone and tennis courts of the hotel at auction for three million €, but the auction of the third lot which contains the actual hotel was later put on …

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19 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Hotel Byblos in Mijas closes its doors
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Hotel Byblos in Mijas closes its doors : "Hotel Byblos in Mijas Costa is to close its doors at the end of the month. The five-star, 144...
Hotel Byblos in Mijas closes its doors
Hotel Byblos in Mijas closes its doors

Hotel Byblos in Mijas closes its doors: "Hotel Byblos in Mijas Costa is to close its doors at the end of the month. The five-star, 144 room hotel, where numerous noted personalities from the Rolling S…

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19 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: British woman is being questioned by Spanish police after two of her children were found dead in a holiday resort in Spain.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
British woman is being questioned by Spanish police after two of her children were found dead in a holiday resort in Spain.Police said the c...
British woman is being questioned by Spanish police after two of her children were found dead in a holiday resort in Spain.
British woman is being questioned by Spanish police after two of her children were found dead in a holiday resort in Spain.

British woman is being questioned by Spanish police after two of her children were found dead in a holiday resort in Spain.Police said the children, a boy and a girl both under the age of six, were di…

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18 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Upcoming public sector strikes in Spain |
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Upcoming public sector strikes in Spain : "Furious trade unionists are up in arms against the Government decision to red...
Upcoming public sector strikes in Spain |
Upcoming public sector strikes in Spain |

Upcoming public sector strikes in Spain "Furious trade unionists are up in arms against the Government decision to reduce civil servant salaries by 5% and to suspend their pensions. Th…

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18 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: summer season about to start, the beach restaurant owners are still waiting for their position to be made officially legal.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
 summer season about to start, the beach restaurant owners are still waiting for their position to be made officially legal. The control of ...
summer season about to start, the beach restaurant owners are still waiting for their position to be made officially legal.
summer season about to start, the beach restaurant owners are still waiting for their position to be made officially legal.

 summer season about to start, the beach restaurant owners are still waiting for their position to be made officially legal.The control of the coast should have been transferred to the Junta de Andalu…

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18 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Liverpool mafia flew to the Costa del Sol
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
How Liverpool docks became a hub of Europe's deadly cocaine trade World news The Observer : "Pancake Taylor and their associates, t...
Liverpool mafia flew to the Costa del Sol
Liverpool mafia flew to the Costa del Sol

How Liverpool docks became a hub of Europe's deadly cocaine trade World news The Observer: "Pancake Taylor and their associates, the emerging Mexican connection follows a calamitous Spanish failure. I…

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15 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Gangsters and their Molls
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
IT’S PARTY TIME… This year’s big summer party is at   Marbella’s finest restaurant  –  VILLA TIBERIO  on Sunday 23 rd  May . Visit the res...
Gangsters and their Molls
Gangsters and their Molls

IT’S PARTY TIME… This year’s big summer party is at Marbella’s finest restaurant  – VILLA TIBERIO on Sunday 23rd May. Visit the restaurant online, by clicking: The dress code is …

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15 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Murder trial begins for first UAE-UK extradition man - Culture & Society -
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Murder trial begins for first UAE-UK extradition man - Culture & Society - : "Dubai resident Jeleel Ahmed, 28, ...
Murder trial begins for first UAE-UK extradition man - Culture & Society -
Murder trial begins for first UAE-UK extradition man - Culture & Society -

Murder trial begins for first UAE-UK extradition man - Culture & Society - "Dubai resident Jeleel Ahmed, 28, was flown back to Britain in August to face murder charges under an ex…

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14 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: All Spanish airports now operating normally today as ash cloud disperses
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
All Spanish airports now operating normally today as ash cloud disperses : "Málaga was also re-opened after being closed for nearly fou...
All Spanish airports now operating normally today as ash cloud disperses
All Spanish airports now operating normally today as ash cloud disperses

All Spanish airports now operating normally today as ash cloud disperses: "Málaga was also re-opened after being closed for nearly four hours. The only airport with problems on Wednesday is Valencia w…

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13 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Man arrested for video recording in women's changing room in Málaga store
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Man arrested for video recording in women's changing room in Málaga store : "30 year old man, named with the initials A.J.P.C. has ...
Man arrested for video recording in women's changing room in Málaga store
Man arrested for video recording in women's changing room in Málaga store

Man arrested for video recording in women's changing room in Málaga store: "30 year old man, named with the initials A.J.P.C. has been arrested by the National Police in Málaga and charged with privac…

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13 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Calls to change the name of Málaga Airport
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Calls to change the name of Málaga Airport : "Businessmen in the tourism sector of the Western Costa del Sol have agreed that Málaga ai...
Calls to change the name of Málaga Airport
Calls to change the name of Málaga Airport

Calls to change the name of Málaga Airport: "Businessmen in the tourism sector of the Western Costa del Sol have agreed that Málaga airport should be re-named. Instead of the current name, ‘Pablo Ruiz…

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13 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Connery to appear in operation Goldfinger
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Connery to appear in operation Goldfinger : "SEAN Connery has been called to appear before a judge in Spain over alleged financial irre...
Connery to appear in operation Goldfinger
Connery to appear in operation Goldfinger

Connery to appear in operation Goldfinger: "SEAN Connery has been called to appear before a judge in Spain over alleged financial irregularities relating to property he once owned on the Costa del Sol…

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11 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801 : "BA CABIN CREW ANNOUNCE SERIES OF FIVE-DAY STRIKES British Airways ...
Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801
Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801

Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801: "BA CABIN CREW ANNOUNCE SERIES OF FIVE-DAY STRIKES British Airways cabin crew are to stage a series of five-day strikes in their bitte…

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11 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801 : "Isaac Marrache was granted bail by the Magistrates Court yesterday ...
Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801
Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801

Gibraltar Chronicle - The Independent Daily First Published 1801: "Isaac Marrache was granted bail by the Magistrates Court yesterday but remained in custody last night after the Attorney General gave…

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11 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Authorities in Spain and Morocco closed airports Tuesday, as ash from an Icelandic volcano once again disrupts air travel.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Spain's air traffic control agency (Aena) said Tuesday that four airports in the Canary Islands and three airports in southern Spain hav...
Authorities in Spain and Morocco closed airports Tuesday, as ash from an Icelandic volcano once again disrupts air travel.
Authorities in Spain and Morocco closed airports Tuesday, as ash from an Icelandic volcano once again disrupts air travel.

Spain's air traffic control agency (Aena) said Tuesday that four airports in the Canary Islands and three airports in southern Spain have been shut down.Morocco closed several of its airports includin…

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11 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Spanish airports Authority, the Spanish Spanish airports Authority, closed Málaga and Granada/Jaén aiports in Andalucía at 1730 CET tonight because of the volcanic ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Spanish airports Authority, the Spanish Spanish airports Authority, closed Málaga and Granada/Jaén aiports in Andalucía at 1730 CET tonight ...
Spanish airports Authority, the Spanish Spanish airports Authority, closed Málaga and Granada/Jaén aiports in Andalucía at 1730 CET tonight because of the volcanic ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano
Spanish airports Authority, the Spanish Spanish airports Authority, closed Málaga and Granada/Jaén aiports in Andalucía at 1730 CET tonight because of the volcanic ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano

Spanish airports Authority, the Spanish Spanish airports Authority, closed Málaga and Granada/Jaén aiports in Andalucía at 1730 CET tonight because of the volcanic ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano…

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11 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: England football fan convicted for his role in a riot in Portugal during Euro 2004 is to be extradited on Wednesday to serve a two-year sentence.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Former Kent firefighter Garry Mann, 52, will be flown from Heathrow to Lisbon and will then be transferred to an undisclosed prison. Mann ...
England football fan convicted for his role in a riot in Portugal during Euro 2004 is to be extradited on Wednesday to serve a two-year sentence.
England football fan convicted for his role in a riot in Portugal during Euro 2004 is to be extradited on Wednesday to serve a two-year sentence.

Former Kent firefighter Garry Mann, 52, will be flown from Heathrow to Lisbon and will then be transferred to an undisclosed prison.Mann claims he never received a fair trial over the riot in Albufei…

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11 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Spanish Government now had the intention of accelerating the deficit reduction plans
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A brief statement was made by the Prime Minister in the early hours of Saturday at the end of a summit of Eurozone leaders, saying that the ...
Spanish Government now had the intention of accelerating the deficit reduction plans
Spanish Government now had the intention of accelerating the deficit reduction plans

A brief statement was made by the Prime Minister in the early hours of Saturday at the end of a summit of Eurozone leaders, saying that the Spanish Government now had the intention of accelerating the…

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09 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Europe: European Court of Justice Hears Case That Could Ban Foreigners from Dutch Cannabis Cafes | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Europe: European Court of Justice Hears Case That Could Ban Foreigners from Dutch Cannabis Cafes Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) : "Late las...
Europe: European Court of Justice Hears Case That Could Ban Foreigners from Dutch Cannabis Cafes | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
Europe: European Court of Justice Hears Case That Could Ban Foreigners from Dutch Cannabis Cafes | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)

Europe: European Court of Justice Hears Case That Could Ban Foreigners from Dutch Cannabis Cafes Stop the Drug War (DRCNet): "Late last month, the European Court of Justice heard arguments in a case t…

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07 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Sean Connery called to appear before Spanish judge - Telegraph
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Sean Connery called to appear before Spanish judge - Telegraph : "Scottish actor, 79, and his second wife, French artist Micheline Roqu...
Sean Connery called to appear before Spanish judge - Telegraph
Sean Connery called to appear before Spanish judge - Telegraph

Sean Connery called to appear before Spanish judge - Telegraph: "Scottish actor, 79, and his second wife, French artist Micheline Roquebrune, 81, have been named as part of an investigation into a pro…

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07 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: More Costa del Sol Property Woes | A Life In Spain: Blog & Forum about living in Spain
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
More Costa del Sol Property Woes A Life In Spain: Blog & Forum about living in Spain : "Alanda Homes has become the latest casualty...
More Costa del Sol Property Woes | A Life In Spain: Blog & Forum about living in Spain
More Costa del Sol Property Woes | A Life In Spain: Blog & Forum about living in Spain

More Costa del Sol Property Woes A Life In Spain: Blog & Forum about living in Spain: "Alanda Homes has become the latest casualty of the property crash in Spain. The company that promotes and sells p…

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07 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Bounty Hunter, DEA and Spanish Authorities Arrest Darli Velazquez for skipping a $1 million dollar bail bond
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Bounty Hunter, DEA and Spanish Authorities Arrest Darli Velazquez for skipping a $1 million dollar bail bond : "When a Cuban drug carte...
Bounty Hunter, DEA and Spanish Authorities Arrest Darli Velazquez for skipping a $1 million dollar bail bond
Bounty Hunter, DEA and Spanish Authorities Arrest Darli Velazquez for skipping a $1 million dollar bail bond

Bounty Hunter, DEA and Spanish Authorities Arrest Darli Velazquez for skipping a $1 million dollar bail bond: "When a Cuban drug cartel trafficking suspect skipped out on a $1 million Federal bond, th…

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07 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Three tons of hashish has been recovered from a boat in Benalmádena by the Guardia Civil Fiscal Territory Patrol,
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Three tons of hashish has been recovered from a boat in Benalmádena by the Guardia Civil Fiscal Territory Patrol, based in Torremolinos. The...
Three tons of hashish has been recovered from a boat in Benalmádena by the Guardia Civil Fiscal Territory Patrol,
Three tons of hashish has been recovered from a boat in Benalmádena by the Guardia Civil Fiscal Territory Patrol,

Three tons of hashish has been recovered from a boat in Benalmádena by the Guardia Civil Fiscal Territory Patrol, based in Torremolinos. The find was on Monday when 102 bales of the drug were found in…

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01 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Criminals use nurseries to launder cash - News
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Criminals use nurseries to launder cash - News : "CRIME gangs are muscling in on children's nurseries as a money-laund...
Criminals use nurseries to launder cash - News
Criminals use nurseries to launder cash - News

Criminals use nurseries to launder cash - News: "CRIME gangs are muscling in on children's nurseries as a money-laundering front for their illegal activities, police chiefs have warned.De…

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01 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Deborah Kerr Personal Collection » Articles Family Life Translation » Deborah, Peter and her daughter at Costa del Sol
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Deborah Kerr Personal Collection » Articles Family Life Translation » Deborah, Peter and her daughter at Costa del Sol : "“Deborah Kerr...
Deborah Kerr Personal Collection » Articles Family Life Translation » Deborah, Peter and her daughter at Costa del Sol
Deborah Kerr Personal Collection » Articles Family Life Translation » Deborah, Peter and her daughter at Costa del Sol

Deborah Kerr Personal Collection » Articles Family Life Translation » Deborah, Peter and her daughter at Costa del Sol: "“Deborah Kerr is in Costa del Sol” – This piece of news came to this journalist…

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01 May 2010

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Drugs is certainly a problem in Saudi Arabia and every day you hear about the government killing someone for smuggling drugs
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Mecca province, home to the holiest site in Islam, has the highest rate of drug-related crime in Saudi Arabia, a university study has found...
Drugs is certainly a problem in Saudi Arabia and every day you hear about the government killing someone for smuggling drugs
Drugs is certainly a problem in Saudi Arabia and every day you hear about the government killing someone for smuggling drugs

Mecca province, home to the holiest site in Islam, has the highest rate of drug-related crime in Saudi Arabia, a university study has found. The national study, carried out by Dr. Ashraf Shilbi of t…

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01 May 2010