Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Aifos Arquitectura y Promociones Inmobiliarias SA has gone into administration leaving 4,000 unfinished homes.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Aifos was one of the first Spanish developers to open an office in the North West of England although the premises in John Dalton Street, Ma...
Aifos Arquitectura y Promociones Inmobiliarias SA has gone into administration leaving 4,000 unfinished homes.
Aifos Arquitectura y Promociones Inmobiliarias SA has gone into administration leaving 4,000 unfinished homes.

Aifos was one of the first Spanish developers to open an office in the North West of England although the premises in John Dalton Street, Manchester closed around two years ago. The company also had o…

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26 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Arrested six suspected drugs traffickers and dismantled two cocaine ‘cutting’ labs
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
National Police organised crime unit UDYCO have arrested six suspected drugs traffickers and dismantled two cocaine ‘cutting’ labs . More t...
Arrested six suspected drugs traffickers and dismantled two cocaine ‘cutting’ labs
Arrested six suspected drugs traffickers and dismantled two cocaine ‘cutting’ labs

National Police organised crime unit UDYCO have arrested six suspected drugs traffickers and dismantled two cocaine ‘cutting’ labs . More than 21 kilograms of cutting substance and 2.5 kilograms of c…

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26 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: British arrests involved in the drugs traffic and stolen vehicle trade in the Costa del Sol.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Guardia Civil’s Organised Crime Unit in Malaga have arrested 21 people allegedly involved in the drugs traffic and stolen vehicle trade in ...
British arrests involved in the drugs traffic and stolen vehicle trade in the Costa del Sol.
British arrests involved in the drugs traffic and stolen vehicle trade in the Costa del Sol.

Guardia Civil’s Organised Crime Unit in Malaga have arrested 21 people allegedly involved in the drugs traffic and stolen vehicle trade in Marbella. Among their alleged activities was the smuggling o…

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26 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Ernest Malyshev Russian owner of the troubled Los Monteros Hotel in Marbella
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Russian owner of the troubled Los Monteros Hotel in Marbella has presented a new viability plan, Europa Press reveals, which unions say give...
Ernest Malyshev Russian owner of the troubled Los Monteros Hotel in Marbella
Ernest Malyshev Russian owner of the troubled Los Monteros Hotel in Marbella

Russian owner of the troubled Los Monteros Hotel in Marbella has presented a new viability plan, Europa Press reveals, which unions say gives way on some of the conditions included in the first plan p…

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25 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: La Cabane owes between 5 and 6 million € in unpaid taxes and Social Security payments
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Lola Villalba from the CCOO union told Europa Press this weekend that La Cabane owes between 5 and 6 million € in unpaid taxes and Social Se...
La Cabane owes between 5 and 6 million € in unpaid taxes and Social Security payments
La Cabane owes between 5 and 6 million € in unpaid taxes and Social Security payments

Lola Villalba from the CCOO union told Europa Press this weekend that La Cabane owes between 5 and 6 million € in unpaid taxes and Social Security payments, out of the estimated 70 million € owed by t…

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25 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Investment club WinCapita (former WinClub) investigation may hit expats living on the Costas
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
initial stage of the pre-trial investigation concerning the investment club WinCapita (former WinClub), the police focus on the money transa...
Investment club WinCapita (former WinClub) investigation may hit expats living on the Costas
Investment club WinCapita (former WinClub) investigation may hit expats living on the Costas

initial stage of the pre-trial investigation concerning the investment club WinCapita (former WinClub), the police focus on the money transactions and members of the club as well as the real nature of…

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25 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Marbella launch of Katie Price's new equestrian clothing range
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Katie Price's advisers have told her to stop drinking when she flies to Spain tomorrow to launch her new equestrian clothing range.The B...
Marbella launch of Katie Price's new equestrian clothing range
Marbella launch of Katie Price's new equestrian clothing range

Katie Price's advisers have told her to stop drinking when she flies to Spain tomorrow to launch her new equestrian clothing range.The British glamour model has been warned to keep a low profile and a…

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25 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Cilla Black and Sir Cliff Richard have been seen on holiday together in Marbella.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Cilla Black and Sir Cliff Richard have been seen on holiday together in Marbella. The 66-year-old Blind Date presenter and the 68-year-old S...
Cilla Black and Sir Cliff Richard have been seen on holiday together in Marbella.
Cilla Black and Sir Cliff Richard have been seen on holiday together in Marbella.

Cilla Black and Sir Cliff Richard have been seen on holiday together in Marbella. The 66-year-old Blind Date presenter and the 68-year-old Summer Holiday singer were seen dining at Polo House, a club …

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22 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Marbella based expat brothers behind France’s biggest ever drug haul
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
TWO Scottish brothers who are now based in Marbella on the Costa del Sol are thought to be behind France’s biggest ever drug haul seized by ...
Marbella based expat brothers behind France’s biggest ever drug haul
Marbella based expat brothers behind France’s biggest ever drug haul

TWO Scottish brothers who are now based in Marbella on the Costa del Sol are thought to be behind France’s biggest ever drug haul seized by French police, the reports.On May 27 a lorry …

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19 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: BBC reports that punters are having to pay twice the normal car hire rates on the Costas just to get their hands on anything whatsoever
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
BBC reports that punters are having to pay twice the normal car hire rates on the Costas just to get their hands on anything whatsoever. Oth...
BBC reports that punters are having to pay twice the normal car hire rates on the Costas just to get their hands on anything whatsoever
BBC reports that punters are having to pay twice the normal car hire rates on the Costas just to get their hands on anything whatsoever

BBC reports that punters are having to pay twice the normal car hire rates on the Costas just to get their hands on anything whatsoever. Others are moaning about bookings being cancelled at the last m…

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14 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Costa del Sol wild modernist luxury
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
wild modernist luxury, the Bolt Property Group builds villas costing from £3.5million within the gated estate of La Zagaleta in Marbella. Ex...
Costa del Sol wild modernist luxury
Costa del Sol wild modernist luxury

wild modernist luxury, the Bolt Property Group builds villas costing from £3.5million within the gated estate of La Zagaleta in Marbella. Extravagance is a theme. The company's director Hadleigh Bolt,…

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14 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: British expatriates taking more seats on local councils
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
British expatriates are extending their influence in Spain and taking more seats on local councils, new figures reveal.According to data pro...
British expatriates taking more seats on local councils
British expatriates taking more seats on local councils

British expatriates are extending their influence in Spain and taking more seats on local councils, new figures reveal.According to data produced by the Spanish government there are 85 expatriates hol…

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12 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Mark Mills, 40, and Joseph Bowness, 37, were arrested by Spanish police after a boat was found packed with £10m of cocaine.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Mark Mills, 40, and Joseph Bowness, 37,arrested by Spanish police after a boat was found packed with £10m of cocaine.The 250kg haul was foun...
Mark Mills, 40, and Joseph Bowness, 37, were arrested by Spanish police after a boat was found packed with £10m of cocaine.
Mark Mills, 40, and Joseph Bowness, 37, were arrested by Spanish police after a boat was found packed with £10m of cocaine.

Mark Mills, 40, and Joseph Bowness, 37,arrested by Spanish police after a boat was found packed with £10m of cocaine.The 250kg haul was found hidden on a 9m yacht, the Dolphin Dance, which had set sai…

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12 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Nazi tattoos, facial plastic surgery and went by the nickname Jimmy as he hid out at the Fuengirola resort on Spain's Costa del Sol.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A.I.K, the 48-year-old chief executive of GP Trade, which sold thousands of tons of corn for storage without the knowledge of its owners, ha...
Nazi tattoos, facial plastic surgery and went by the nickname Jimmy as he hid out at the Fuengirola resort on Spain's Costa del Sol.
Nazi tattoos, facial plastic surgery and went by the nickname Jimmy as he hid out at the Fuengirola resort on Spain's Costa del Sol.

A.I.K, the 48-year-old chief executive of GP Trade, which sold thousands of tons of corn for storage without the knowledge of its owners, has been captured in Spain. The damage incurred by the owners …

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12 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Forest fire in Mijas
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Forest fire in Mijas on Tuesday forced four families from their homes in a blaze which destroyed 4.5 hectares of scrubland in the area of E...
Forest fire in Mijas
Forest fire in Mijas

Forest fire in Mijas on Tuesday forced four families from their homes in a blaze which destroyed 4.5 hectares of scrubland in the area of El Hornillo, close to the AP-7 motorway.The alarm came shortl…

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06 Aug 2009

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: 260 kilos of hashish packed in nine bales thrown overboard
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Rough weather and the coastguard have put an end to the plans of drug traffickers off the coast of Motril.It happened in the early hours of ...
260 kilos of hashish packed in nine bales thrown overboard
260 kilos of hashish packed in nine bales thrown overboard

Rough weather and the coastguard have put an end to the plans of drug traffickers off the coast of Motril.It happened in the early hours of Friday when a yacht was spotted eight miles off the coast. T…

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01 Aug 2009